Saturday, November 16, 2019


There are over 30 donation drop off points across the University until Friday, 9 March. Courses will run until mid September, so book your place soon. All content submitted before 12 noon on a Wednesday will be published in the Wednesday email. New dialog to create a shortcut to the current job Fixed bugs: You will be offered a welcome refreshment and a tour of the refurbishment by the Hotel Indigo team. A major element of the project has been the development of a series of miniature mountaineering events where a pair of vintage Action Man figures recreate historic Himalayan expeditions by climbing the shelves of important mountaineering libraries and archives such as those at the National Library of Scotland, the Alpine Club and Royal Geographical Society. netsupport manager 10.05

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Message of the Day: previous items

This is an opportunity to get involved at the highest level of the University's strategic planning and governance, netuspport please think about applying or encouraging a colleague. This year's St Cuthbert's Day Evensong and Procession will commence at 7pm and will include the Lucernarium the blessing of the lightand the offering of incense.

Why not mark the occasion by taking part in some of the many events and activities planned locally and around the region? To attend the event, you need to register at bit.

The scheme applies to all those on Grade 7 and above.

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Due to work taking place on the new Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science Building at Upper Mountjoy, there will be a temporary closure of the footpath that runs adjacent to the site. Our Department of Engineering and the Institution of Engineering and Technology IET will today sign formal partnership, enabling Durham Engineering students to access a professional community of engineers and build stronger relationships with industry.

Disclosing such experiences can be a deeply trusting, but traumatic step. Translation of catalogue tables like Occupation, Reaction, etc. Please update local documentation as appropriate. Have you signed up to marshal at Matriculation on Wednesday 2 October? For further information, please majager http: Data management and documentation software for the KAB Network:. Take a voyage through literature with the Late Summer Lecture Series, which starts today.

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For more information, please call Buy the items indicated on the tags, wrap the gifts and place them under the Christmas Wish Tree by noon on Friday, 14 December. If you have any questions contact: For information managr the proposed building, visit www. Changes to your email service mean you will now receive a notification if an email containing a suspect attachment has been blocked. Durham University is leading a new 3.

The reduction in processing time will be absorbed by HR and Finance, and deadlines will be enforced.

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Following approval from the University Executive Mabager, the Estates and Buildings Department has been renamed to the Estates and Facilities Directorate which better encompasses the range of professional services provided to the wider University and its stakeholders.

The survey, which is open until 30 November, can be found at https: All returned to help the development of their country. Staff can apply to join the staff procession if eligible or reserve seats.

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We are pleased to note that following approval from UEC, the My Durham staff benefits portal has been relaunched on Sodexo's new platform. Please see the latest USS member update, which includes details of the cost sharing agreement.

We would like to remind you that the car parks at Territorial Lane and Waterside will close to staff and students from Sunday, 7 July. Read more at durham.

Revision history

Nominations will be anonymous unless you choose to make yourself known to the individual. These monthly newsletters are intended to be a digest of community-focused work, news and announcements from the University over the previous month.

Our travel management supplier, Dawson and Sanderson, would like to make you aware that the government recommends that manzger going to the EU after 29 March should have six months left on their passport, and need to be aware that any extra months which have been added to ,anager 10 year passport will not be valid.

County Durham Community Foundation is looking for volunteers to visit local charities. Visit the Library website at www.

PureSync Revisionhistory

Staff are invited to volunteer to act as marshals at Matriculation on Wednesday, 3 October. Please note, from Monday 3 rd Septemberblue contractor permits will no longer be valid. The car park exit route will be unaffected and therefore anyone parked prior manaber the work commencing will be able to leave the car park as normal.

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