Thursday, November 21, 2019


This will work even while the database server is running. The commands look ok to me, but I see no relation with the error messages. Check also the very first lines of your console error mesages you can redirect them to a file. Natural ingredients help make hair shinier, fuller, softer and more manageable! Note that a file system backup will typically be larger than an SQL dump. What happen if you pass the first lines? pg dump 9.1

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So file system backups only work for complete backup and restoration of an entire database cluster. Note that while this method does not require locking out other clients, it might still be wise to prevent other users from connecting to the damaged database until repairs have been completed.

Erwin Brandstetter Erwin Brandstetter k 10 10 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Asked 5 years, 8 months ago.

PostgreSQL - How To Dump Database to SQL Script - pg_dump Utility - SQLines Open Source Tools

The commands look ok to me, but I see no relation with the error messages. Note that restarting the database does not solve the problem. Hugh Grant, Laura Linney A prime minister, an office worker, a pop star, a jilted writer, married couples and various others deal with relationships in London.

You may want to view the same page for the current version, or one of the supported versions listed above instead. Another option is to perform a continuous archiving base backup Section Post as a guest Name.

pg dump 9.1

This requires enabling continuous archiving just during the backup process; restore is done using continuous archive recovery Section And how did you generate the dump and how do you import it? This documentation is for an unsupported version of PostgreSQL.

pg dump 9.1

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. You should show the data that you expect to be there, the query you use, indexes that might be involved, the actual output and the exact PostgreSQL version. Watch and learn about Humana Medicare Advantage plans.

The production is just stopped waiting for this database. Sign up using Email and Password. Read your file system documentation very carefully before trusting the consistent-snapshot technique in such situations.

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After some days strange unexpected values appear in numeric columns, like negative or bigger values in unexpected places. If simultaneous snapshots are not possible, one option is to shut down the database server long enough to establish all the frozen snapshots. I'd rather look into devs testing djmp this DB or similar.

pg dump 9.1

You did take a backup, right? I tried to import the dump but I get a bunch of syntax errors, I'm assuming there is some issue with the version mismatch?

Turn on logging all statements, and the next time this occurs, find the culprit. Richard 91 Richard Huxton We have a lot of backups dumps or in a funny way: Sign up using Email and Password.

postgresql - pg_dump from to - Stack Overflow

Index corruption should not occur in the first place. Post as a guest Name. Backup and Restore Next. Active 5 years, 8 months ago. That should sort it. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

The typical procedure is to make a "frozen snapshot" of the volume containing the database, then copy the whole data directory not just parts, see above from the snapshot to a backup device, then release the frozen snapshot. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

Can this be related to some 91. of broken transaction or hard drive trouble?

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