Thursday, November 28, 2019


Seymour followed, which took in some appearances in England. Occasionally, there are effective slight departures from the standard production of folk-rock albums from the period, as with the sad strings and operatic backup vocals on the title track, and the extremely Garth Hudson -esque organ of "Good Times. It was also announced that a recording called Timescapes was forthcoming. Unfortunately, the liner notes do not make it clear which two of the other twelve songs were the ones used on compilations, rather than on the Stargazer LP itself. It would be mighty surprising if she didn't ingest songs like Mitchell's "Marcie" thoroughly before coming up with narratives in the same style like "Liz's Song. Archived from the original on 10 December Dogmatic criticism aside, it's a pleasant album with subdued folk-rock arrangements, and the piano ballad "Lonely King" is haunting enough to make one forget the obvious likenesses to Mitchell's own piano outings for the moment. shelagh mcdonald stargazer

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Retrieved 2 September This record could well represent the closest anyone has sshelagh come to crossing circa Joni Mitchell with circa Sandy Denny. Romantic Evening Sex All Themes.

shelagh mcdonald stargazer

A series of low-key appearances took place in shelayh, mainly at Scottish venues, and a similar but longer tour inin collaboration with Nigel H. In she made a shelagn return to public performances and made new recordings for the first time since the early s. Shelagh also performed with this band on a number of occasions, and with Nigel H.

It was also announced that a recording called Timescapes was forthcoming.

Shelagh McDonald - Wikipedia

FolkBritish folk rock. Retrieved from " https: The result is a double-edged sword.

Living with her parents and working privately in Edinburgh, she met and married bookseller Gordon Farquhar; together, they lived a nomadic lifestyle in Scotland, living on welfare benefits and moving from house to house, and later tent to tent. Views Read Edit View history. stargazerr

shelagh mcdonald stargazer

McDonald was born in in Edinburgh and moved to Glasgow, at the age of 12, with her parents, She was privately educated mdonald moving on to the Glasgow School of Art. The Road to Paradise.

Rainy Day Relaxation Road Trip. Retrieved 25 October Stream or buy on: Dowie Dens of Yarrow. Introspection Late Night Partying.

shelagh mcdonald stargazer

Drinking Hanging Out In Shelayh. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Jazz Latin New Age. Archived from the original on 10 December As a singer, her tonal quality is more similar to Denny's.

Shelagh McDonald

In the new interview she reveals that, since her partner's death earlier in the year, she has resumed contact with other folk musicians and is cautiously planning low-key live appearances and hoping to record new material. Richard ThompsonDanny ThompsonFotheringay. This page was last edited on 26 Septemberat The album can be unequivocally recommended to fans of Mitchell and Denny who have run out of things to buy by those two singers, and want something that's for the most part undiscovered, but with a similar vibe.

Retrieved 1 December Please enable JavaScript in your browser to stargazdr the site fully.

AllMusic relies heavily on JavaScript. Dogmatic criticism aside, it's a pleasant album with subdued folk-rock arrangements, and the piano ballad "Lonely King" is haunting enough to make one forget the obvious likenesses to Mitchell's own piano outings stagrazer the moment.

SHELAGH MCDONALD Stargazer reviews

Retrieved 6 January Streams Videos All Posts. In the interview McDonald said that her voice had improved and she was again interested in music, and the renewed interest in her work by the public surprised and gratified her.

Sexy Trippy All Moods.

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