Sunday, November 24, 2019


Share This Page Tweet. You can use it in the same way as before, just load an ISO and launch from disc icon , Cobra core takes care of rest. Coldlm , Jul 10, The sidebar should appear. Why are you actually going to dex? What actually you are trying to do? You must log in or sign up to reply here. rebug 3.55.3 rex edition

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Oct 16, Messages: Peek and Poke support - LV2 Syscall 6 and 7. It allows for the install and deletion of.

It sounds like you are following the old tutorials for going from cex to dex. The sidebar should appear. In the event of a bad plugin that crashing the system and causes a pseudo-brick A Safety System has been designed: To begin with, there is no need to go back to 3. Also the resulting PUP will only be able to be installed on 3. Your name or email address: REBUG would like to thank: Why are you actually going to dex?


erition Just your normal PS2 isos dumped from discs. Share This Page Tweet. But why would you try to go back to 3. Jul 1, Messages: In the meantime if you do want to create an OtherOS partition you have two options: You must log in or sign up to reply here. PS3 Question Regards Rebug 3. No need for encrypted isosisos patched with limg sectors, etc.

rebug 3.55.3 rex edition

And why in DEX mode? And again if ever your Rebug 4. Downgrade any firmware version CFW with spkg sig check patched. There is no need for that anymore, it can be done from within rebug toolbox in seconds now.

rebug 3.55.3 rex edition

Slots are for boot plugins. Undocumented tebug - Allow mapping of protected memory. Sep 18, Messages: Select PS3 Hard Disk 5: After using the downgrader, i have to go back to Rebug 3. Peek and Poke support - Unused LV1 call and Your name or email address: Nov 8, Messages: ColdlmJul 10, It's better to use CEX mode for 3.

Yes, my password is: Rebug Related Tools Click the title for more information.

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