Friday, November 29, 2019


So I kind of like this song, good work! See more of Solkrieg on Facebook. My heart, this ReMix has stolen it. Strong debut, man, this is sick as hell. Crystal clear voice, multiple server and channel support, mobile apps, and more. Sources Arranged 1 Song Primary Game: solkrieg dream eater

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What a great treatment of that silly yet disturbing source tune. Alphabetically - Most ReMixes. Games List All Games: The song that impacted me the most during my childhood was "Lavender Town," coincidentally enough.

I was inspired to create all my mixes of this song based off all the " creepy pasta " I have read. Please check out my soundcloud and see if you would be interested. Artists List All Artists: Sources Arranged 1 Exter Primary Game: View All Latest Albums. Bad news, it seems that literally every use of my lavender town song is going to pop up in content ID because shortly after that I got another one my "Destiny review's Lavender Town" video.

solkrieg dream eater

Lloyd djpretzelwebmaster, with feedback or questions not answered there. Sections of this page.

osu! : Solkrieg - Lavender Town (Dream Eater Dubstep Remix) [Nightmare] (FC)

eatter So I decided to give it a ReMix and I feel it turned out fantastic. Glad that you went back and forth on the music box and dubstep bits, it sounds good that way. Solid mix and production, nice work! In Ryan's first submission to us, he proves to be an expert at distilling that creepy essence and blasting it out in widescreen.

Quality comment just posted on one of my videos. Can't believe a music box rendition of Lavender Town has not been done before has it? Page generated Mon, 30 Sep Hey kids don't forget I have a discord server for my fans!

Post Your Game ReMixes! Interesting juxtaposition between the major-key and minor-key portions; the Lavender town theme seems to lend itself well to both moods. Fleshed out a good intro for Deimos.

Lavender Town - Dream Eater Mix by Solkrieg | Free Listening on SoundCloud

That was so cool. But this isn't the kind of dubstep that's perfect to jam to.

solkrieg dream eater

My fiance loves the series and this is one of her favorite songs so Crystal clear voice, multiple server and channel support, mobile apps, and more.

The dubstep works quite well with this source IMO, especially when it gets crazier later on. I was kind of daunted at first because Facebook makes you pay in order for everyone to get your message. My how times have changed I don't have much faith in YouTube though since last time my Lavender Solkriieg ReMix got taken down it was for "false advertising".

solkrieg dream eater

Could tick some people off, but I personally think it's on the borderline of like-dislike I like it, anyway. Oslkrieg miss the latest ReMixes, albums and news! See more of Solkrieg on Facebook. How's everyone's memorial day?

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