The songs are all very short 2 to 4 minutes, tops , but the whole tape relies on memorable moments far more than memorable songs. Email required Address never made public. However, I would not be able to tell you what specific track he did that on. This time, the beats are toned down a bit to let Exquire take control. All of these features have slowly turned Exquire from just a solid rapper to a force to be reckoned with. On The Man in the High Castle, the tables have been turned.
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The track Lost In Translation really shows this off.
Mr-Muthafuckin-eXquire-The Man In The High Castle
Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page. However, I would not be able to tell you what specific track he did that on. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: This site uses cookies. Overall, since this is just a minor almost throwaway tape, the fact its OK bodes very well.
But he released it because he wanted us to hear it. Also, there are a lot of guests here. Notify me of new comments via email.
Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. GingerSlim January 25, at 1: For me, the production was the strongest element on Lost in Translation, not Exquire himself. Muthafuckin ExquireUnderground.
Mr. MFN eXquire – The Man in the High Castle [MIXTAPE.] | | Faux Society
Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. You are commenting using your Google account. Join other followers Follow. MFN ExquireMr.
You are commenting using your Twitter account. As has shown, was not the Last Huzzah for underground Hip-Hop. Or at least old material, not sure how much of it was already known….
It had a unique dirty New York sound, but not much else.
This time, the beats are toned down a bit to let Exquire take control. While some people liked Bigh In Translation, it still had many problems.
Hopefully it means he saved better stuff for the EP and hopefully album. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! But then, he dropped the remix of The Last Huzzah! Email required Address never made public. But find the tape yourself.
MIXTAPE REVIEW: Mr. MFN eXquire- The Man In the High Castle
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Politely, reasonably, logically Cancel reply Enter your comment here Exquire released a tape that was a bit too long and really only had one stand out track The Last Huzzah! It makes the mixtape feel like a collection of ideas rather than a collection mzn songs. You are commenting using your Facebook account.
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